Baron Receives Army Research Office Award for Research in Minimax Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM Baron Receives Army Research Office Award for Research in Minimax Compressed Sensing ReconstructionMay 16, 2013 Dror Baron has been awarded $238,678 by the US Army – Army Research Office for research on Mi …
May 16, 2013 NC State ECE
Baron Receives Army Research Office Award for Research in Minimax Compressed Sensing Reconstruction

Dror Baron has been awarded $238,678 by the US Army – Army Research Office for research on Minimax Compressed Sensing Reconstruction.
The award will run from October 2nd, 2012 to January 1st, 2014.
Research Abstract
Compressed sensing is an emerging area where signal acquisition and reconstruction is possible for sparse and structured signals from a reduced number of measurements. The majority of compressed sensing research has focused on algorithms that are optimized to minimize the energy in the reconstruction error. We will instead focus on algorithms that can target a reconstruction that is optimized for any reconstruction metric, and in particular a minimax approach that minimizes the largest component-wise error.
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