RINGS: WISECOM – Wireless Integrated Sensing, Learning and Communication Networks
This proposal focuses on enabling resilient integrated sensing and communication networks. To do this, NC State plans to design and build new hardware and signal processing algorithms and protocols to enable full duplex waveform use for simultaneous high data rate communication and cm-level accuracy localization/tracking of connected devices and objects. We will also use the localization information to quickly adapt to changes in the environment, such as blockages or the addition of new users. Finally, a user centric approach will be designed to exploit sensing information to increase network autonomy.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
The grant—running from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2025—is for a total of $793,985.
Principle Investigators
Nuria Gonzalez Prelci
Robert Wendell Heath Jr
Brian Allan Floyd
More Details
This proposal focuses on understanding and enabling resilient integrated sensing and communication networks. Our plan focuses first on designing and building new hardware and signal processing algorithms and protocols to enable the use of a full duplex waveform for simultaneous high data rate communication and cm-level accuracy localization/tracking of connected devices and objects. Then, we will focus on using the localization information for fast adaption to changes in the environment that may cause performance degradation of the network, such as blockages or incorporation of new users. Finally, we will design a user centric approach to exploit sensing information to enhance network autonomy.